
By Groggster

A Lightbulb Moment For A Jewel In The Frown

A pretty quiet day today so I wasn't feeling particularly blip inspired and therefore had almost completely forgotten to get an image until late in the evening when I suddenly started scrabbling around for something to capture. After quite a lot of bumbling around, scratching my head and frowning when I'd run out of ideas I turned on the table lamp in our dining room as a last resort and could see this 'jewel' glowing in the lamplight. In fact it's an amber-like ring of my sister's sitting rather randomly on some tinfoil with a strand of red plastic twine in the foreground which I've tried to add some glamour and a sense of mystery to! :-)

Story of the day had to be in our local paper, the Kent Messenger. A father and son got more than they bargained for when they dragged up a live hand grenade from the bottom of the River Medway as they were magnet fishing off the bridge in my home village of Aylesford.
The pair had put their haul of muddy objects in a bucket and took them home to nearby Allington to take a closer look and it was only as the father washed off the finds that he quickly recognised the distinctive raised pineapple pattern of a hand grenade.
The family called the police, who notified the army. A bomb disposal unit from Folkestone duly arrived, carefully removed the grenade (which they identified as a Mills bomb) and took it to a nearby field where it was detonated.
Father and son found the whole experience quite exciting but my favourite quote in the article came from the boy's mum, "I have told them if they ever pull out anything like this again, they are to leave it there and not bring it home. We only moved into our house six months ago, and the garden doesn't need re-landscaping thank your very much!" Mums always know best! 

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