Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Not another one

Yes blippers.  A new orchid.  I had one like this but it was moved outside for a short time and while I was away kicked the bucket.  There was a lot of rain and the roots don't like being too wet.  It's important to maintain a core number of them isn't it so I know you will understand why I had to buy another one.

Drumming was fabulous this morning.  Mainly just meeting up with everyone.  It's like coming back to school after the Summer holidays and catching up with you playmates.  Some of the ladies missed a couple of terms last year so there was a double amount of catch ups.   We are doing a rhythm  which I am sure we have done before but now I am only on the duns, I don't recall doing that accompanying rhythm.  I am going to need to get some muscle memory in on it as when we pick up speed it's a bit tricky.

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