
By dunkyc

Restorative River

One of the trickier parts of my job is trying to reassure clients that we are acting in their best interests.

In order to do so, we ask a lot of questions to ensure that our understanding of their needs is as accurate as possible. Unfortunately, however tentatively we may approach this, some clients take umbrage and view it as overstepping.

I had to deal with a little bit of that this morning from a client who didn’t respond well to some suggestions and was quite rude (“I don’t mean to be rude...”) Really? What would it sound like if you did mean to be rude?!

Fortunately, it is for this exact reason that the lunchtime wander was invented! I strolled on just a little bit further today and found a bench in the sunshine next to the river and I just sat there and did nothing but breathe for a little while. 

It was quite the restorative few minutes in the warmth of the sunshine and gave me enough to power through the remainder of the day.

Even managed to get the boy to a football training session - great to see him getting back into it - and then headed out for another 5aside knockabout with the Dads, which was great fun again!

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