
By tridral

Arwydd ysbryd

Arwydd ysbryd ~ Ghost sign

“I figure you either accept reality or you don’t. And whenever I don’t accept it, it sucks worse than when I do. So it makes better sense to accept and accord with reality.”
― Brad Warner

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Es i am dro y bore ma dim ond i rhoi lle arall ar fy map o lleoedd mewn ugain munud o gerdded. Es i i lawr 'Pantbach Road' heddiw ac roedd ehi'n atgffa i mi o fy diffyg chwilfrydedd pan roeddwn i'n ifanc. Roedd 'Pantbach' dim ond enw, a doedd dim diddordeb gyda fi mewn ffeindio allan mwy. Nawr rydw i'n gwybod 'Pant bach' yn golygu 'little dip' neu 'small hollow' ac yn cyfeirio at siap y tir (baswn i'n dyfalu). Nawr dwi'n llawer mwy chwilfrydig a diddordeb yn beth mae'r enwau Cymraeg yn ei ddweud wrthyn nhw.

Gwelais i'r 'arwydd ysbryd' hon heddiw. Mae'n anodd ei darllen, ond mae'n dweud 'Coal Merchants' ar y wal uwchben y drws. Rydw i'n hoffi 'arwyddion ysbryd'. Mae'r hen arwyddion fel hyn yn typyn bach o'r hanes y ardal, ond dydw i ddim yn gwybod pwy oedd y masnachwr glo a beth oedd ei stori.

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I went for a walk this morning just to put another place on my map of places within a twenty minute walk. I went down 'Pantbach Road' today and it reminded me of my lack of curiosity when I was young. 'Pantbach' was just a name, and I had no interest in finding out more. Now I know 'Pant bach' means 'little dip' or 'small hollow' and refers to the shape of the land (I would guess). Now I am much more curious and interested in what the Welsh names say to them.

I saw this 'ghost sign' today. It's hard to read, but it says 'Coal Merchants' on the wall above the door. I like 'ghost signs'. The old signs like this are a little bit of the history of the area, but I don't know who the coal merchant was and what his story was.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : 'Arwydd ysbryd' yn dweud 'Coal Merchants' uwchmen y drws ar Groveland Road. Mae cadair wthio wedi'i barcio y tu allan i'r drws.

Description (English) : 'Ghost sign' saying 'Coal Merchants' above the door on Groveland Road. A pushchair is parked outside the door.

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