Roll With It

By Falmike

“Eyes On”

The Eden Project is struggling, closed until the 17th February half-term and staff redundancies are not good news but the Vounder Therapy Garden continues to accept us on Tuesdays.
One benefit, if you can call it that, of its closure is that we use an alternative route in, the delivery entrance which means we, (I), see bits and pieces that we either drive by in traffic or are not on the usual route.
So for todays ‘Eyes’ as I went past I had time to stop and take this through the window. I didn’t get out to read the information plate, that’s for next week when I’m driving past the ‘right’ way.

The course is progressing well, although there is still a couple of months of the course to run I only have a couple of assessments to go.
I’ve enjoyed it immensely, still do, but I also occasionally miss my ‘Fisgard Pie & Pint’ on the first Tuesday of each month so I have that to look forward to.

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