Completed my little sewing project.
I saw a post on Instagram which I thought looked pretty cool. Had a pair of jeans bought a couple of weeks back (£3 in our local charity shop) which needed shortening. Had a look on-line for threads, asked Mel, Mum's cleaner who is an avid crafter if she had, where she bought etc. "I've got loads, don't buy any". Wow! Spoilt for choice. Think I'm hooked! I bought a pair of black jeans in charity shop when I went to Moretonhampstead, think they might get the Sashiko treatment.
Mum, hubby & I went to the Passage House Inn for lunch. Tide was coming in on the estuary, plenty of avian activity. Blue skies but bitterly cold wind. I was glad of my furry trapper hat today I can tell you.
I rang Mifsuds. The latest Panasonic Lumix TZ99 has arrived, I was going to treat myself. Thought I would read the reviews - the one drawback for me, which I had totally forgotten is that it does'nt have a viewfinder. Sometimes it's difficult to see the image you want to take using the LCD screen only. What do I do. :-(
Wishing you all a good weekend whatever you're doing.
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