There was quite heavy traffic as we went to film club & light lunch today. The film was as above.
At the height of W W 2 in 1943 2 intelligence officers ( Matthew Macfadyen & Colin Firth) managed to convince the Germans that allied forces were about to invade Greece instead of Sicily with an incredible plot! Sending a corpse with false paper afloat , the papers found their way onto Hitlers desk. He believed this & the troops were caught napping.
A really well acted & written story , very enjoyable.
The nurse visited this morning & hurrah my leg is healed, but still fragile ATM, so lighter dressing put on with a plan to discharge me a week on Tuesday. What a relief , apparently I was the 1st patient to be treated like this ( experiment) & it has worked, many thanks S for all your attention.
Just goes to show, with the wrong treatment in the beginning what can happen.
Daughter K popped in as she was near here tutoring . Invited to a local restaurant for an Indian meal next Friday evening , so that's something to look forward to. A rang me a 9pm after leaving here at 5.45pm .apparently he hit a piece of concrete as he went round round about damaging his tyre, fortunately he had a spare wheel, soon repaired by the AA. So a happy escape.
Hope everyone has managed a good day.
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