Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Anyone Lost an Eyeball?

When I saw this ahead of me, I thought it was a puffball fungus, but up close it obviously wasn't one of the usual types so I photographed it.

Once on the computer, it was easier to identify it as a relative of puffballs - an earthstar.  In fact it is a collared earthstar, Geastrum triplex.

It is in its final stages of maturity and so the distinctive star structure has already decayed into the frayed brown ring surrounding the spore sac in my blip.

If that part had still been intact, I would have immediately recognised it for what it was.  This is my first ever sighting of any type of earthstar.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone for your stars and hearts awarded to yesterday's blip.  It is currently on page 4 of 'popular'.  [It peaked on P3]

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