
By hazelh

Uncle Jack's Band at the Moonwake brewery

We had a wonderful evening tonight at the Moonwake brewery in Leith. Here Jack's (new) band played a second gig. (The first performance was at the Leith Depot on 5th December 2024). We sat in front of the 'stage' with Katharine and Mike, leaving our table from time to time to take to the 'dance floor', i.e. the tiny space in front of the band. Left to right in my blip are Jack's left hand, Sandra, Chil, and Dave. We all ordered delicious pizzas for our table and sampled Moonwake beer.

I actually saw quite a lot of Katharine today. She and I met for a walk along the canal and coffee/hot chocolate at Loudon's after my follow-up hospital appointment about my cataract surgery. The appointment itself went very well. The headlines are that my operation is one of the most successful they have seen in terms of improvement to vision and healing, and I am permitted take up some gentle exercise from next Monday.

I went to bed between my morning and evening out. I really needed to get some sleep after several nights of very annoying insomnia. I'm not sure that I actually nodded off, but at least the rest set me up for our fab evening of pizza, beer, and music with our friends.

Exercise today: walking (23,912 steps).

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