
By Incredibish

Brothers of a different sort

A bit of a "oh, go on then" blip... Not a bad day but, apart from a run up to the garden centre, fairly unspectacular. Not that the garden centre was in any way spectacular either. Since my primary roles in the garden extend to mowing the lawn and drinking beer on the patio, I wandered aimlessly until I was collected by my carer...

I also commiserated with my son-in-law, as the Playstation Network Outage continued through his entire Saturday, and moved some spare tiles and panels from the kitchen and shower room build into the loft (to be forever forgotten, probably).

A gentle sigh might have been detected as I read that 120 Starlink satellites "de-orbitted" in January alone, and that those numbers will increase until they stabilise at around 3000 dropping out of the sky each and every year. Each one adding up to 30kg of aluminium oxide to the atmosphere - a compound that damages the ozone layer we once thought we'd fixed.

Elon and the Felon... between them they're really making an impact.

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