Living my dream

By Mima

Morning sunlight

It is sunshine on the far trees: they aren't going orange and dying. 

It was a beautiful early morning - the photo was taken at about 7 o'clock - after a night during which the temperature didn't drop below 16C and I slept accordingly fitfully. I much prefer being wrapped up in a warm duvet to being sprawled on top of the bed with no more than a cotton sheet.

The sunshine didn't last long and it has been cloudy with mizzle for much of the day. Pah.

As well as various small garden jobs and watering, it has been a sourdough day. Two loaves will be baked first thing tomorrow. And I picked, then chopped up a load of different vegetables which will make a big batch of summer chutney.

Bean is looking very well fed again, and even though I don't know her exact weight I have put her back onto her normal amount of food. 

I got a "look" after she finished her breakfast, as if to ask me where the rest of it was! Oh dear, poor Bean, no more normuss meals... 

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