Done Dahlia
Up early to watch England v France and I wasn't disappointed! Great much to-ing and fro-ing in the score line which, despite the game's high error rate, made it a really exciting watch.
Chatted to sis and good to hear plans are in place to make her return home easier......W has made some furniture rearrangements, carers are being organised and the aim is to move her regular treatment from mornings to afternoons. Once the last 2 things are organised a return home should be on the books.....hopefully in the next few days.
I abandoned my idea of going for a ride when I realised how warm it was shaping up to be......instead I did a bit more tootying in the garden, including some dreaded and rarely-done spraying. I'm not keen on using nasty chemicals but there are parts of the garden that just need to be totally reset and a clean start necessitates some serious weed removal. Bring out the big guns!
Looking like another warm day tomorrow though maybe not quite as warm as today (28 degrees on my back door thermometer).
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