I Just Couldn't Do It!
I just couldn't take a photograph of another snowstorm. I am well and truly buried this time. So, I made a digital "collage" instead which began with a digitally altered photograph of my new table runner. It has a beautiful Celtic Tree of Life design on it. Henry picked out the Netsuke figure of a traveling mouse, no surprise. I love that quote, and it certainly applies to the way I like to travel which reminded me of this, "Are you a tourist or a traveler? A traveler sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he has come to see. A traveler makes his own way; a tourist has another make his way for him. A tourist skips from place to place like a stone thrown from the shore; a traveler sinks deep into a place and knows it intimately. A tourist takes his prejudices with him; a traveler is transformed by his journeys. A tourist comes home with photos; a traveler comes home with memories." I won't be traveling anyplace today!
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