A Dragon in the Garden
The dragonfly that's been visiting my garden finally settled for a very brief rest, it allowed me this one and only shot, it's not the best but it makes a change from butterflies, which is the only other thing I've taken photos of today. I have failed to identify it and would really like to know what it is, so if you know please tell me, thank you :-)
I had a real scare this afternoon when I came downstairs after having a lie down, I went out into the garden, round the corner and saw MrPN laying on the ground. My heart was in my mouth because I thought something awful had happened to him. On closer inspection he was fine, hadn't heard me coming and was tending to an exhausted bee that he had administered honey to. When I finally recovered from the shock I gave him a telling off for scaring me but he thought it was all highly amusing and every time I see him now he grabs his throat and makes choking noises - men!! Next time I'll leave him there ;-)))
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