
By airedaleknitter

The morning after ......

the night before .

I had a busy day on Saturday trying to keep Mr H from realising that the 'blipmeet' he thought he was going to was really his surprise 50th Birthday party. It had all been planned with military precision and thankfully it paid off as he had no idea at all and had a wonderful night. Yorkshirebred managed to get a photo of him early in the evening, just after he arrived. Mr H at his 50th His birthday isn't for a few days yet but it was all planned to fit in with his shifts.... A great evening out.

To clear our heads for Reggie's walk to day we went to Thruscross Reservoir. I didn't know anything about it until Magikcat and Fotojunki blipped it earlier in the week, so we decided we'd go and have a look ourselves. It was wonderful and this blip is taken from the path around the reservoir. As the water is low the remains of West End , the village flooded when the reservoir was built, is visible in places, but I loved the way the light was shining through this derelict building. I am guessing it is an old chapel but not certain.

It is a year today since our beloved Thomas the Airedale died, we still miss him and still sometimes call Reggie Thomas. I am sure he was watching us through that window today checking Reggie is looking after us.

back blip for yesterday

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