Tigger's Takes

By Tigger101

Standing looking up .....

...... beneath the ceiling light!

The theme for Mono Monday is "beneath" ...... thanks heanku for hosting this month :-)

Came up with one or two ideas but decided on this one .... liked the halo of light & the shape of the shade. It looked a bit boring so I added a 'blue' filter .... much better :-)

A miserable damp day ... really cold too .... that easterly wind is making it feel freezing! Had the heating on for a lot of the day.

Got to have my second dose of Shingles vaccine tomorrow afternoon :-(
Should have been last Friday but my regular nurse is ill so it has been rescheduled with a different nurse. Also got a few bits to do in town so no 'on the day' blip.

Stay safe everyone :-)

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