This is the day

By wrencottage

Here I go again ...

… just when I thought I was going to have a bit of time to spend in the craft room, The Traveller informed me that he’s spotted some more potential varmints lurking in his bedroom carpet near the skirting board.

He then lived up to his nickname and flew off this morning to distant lands for a week, leaving Yours Truly to tackle the infestation in his absence. The problem is, his bedroom is also a repository for a lot of his older brother’s books, which reside in a bookcase under which the varmints have set up shop, among other places.

So today I have removed all the books from the room and temporarily re-housed them (heavy, hardback weighty tomes, in all senses of the word ‘weighty’) and moved the bookcase out of the way while I vacuumed and sprayed the carpet edges. The room is now dark while the spray does its work. Tomorrow I will draw the curtains, open the windows, replace the furniture (and the books) and then treat the carpet in the centre of the room, which is currently piled up with furniture, in the same way.

The day after that … I will have to start on The Traveller’s study. Yup, they’re in there as well. Once they’ve got a foot hold, so to speak, the varmints are almost impossible to eliminate. 

Sigh … 

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