Adam's Images

By ajt


Today was a swapping around kind of day.

In the morning my new RAM arrived for my computer.

I took the afternoon off and took the computer I borrowed from the IT club back and installed it on the network there. I connected it to my VPN to demonstrate something and at the end of the month I'll set up a VPN for the club and connect it that VPN instead of mine. The demonstration went well, even using my phone's 5G connection and having the computer go to sleep on me mid-demonstration...!

After the IT club I swapped some RAM around at home. I put the new RAM in my computer, plus the RAM from my wife's desktop computer, taking it from 20 GiB to 24 GiB (I'd previously upgraded it from 16 GiB to 20 GiB with some free RAM). I then took some of the RAM from my computer and put it in my wife's computer doubling it from 8 GiB to 16 GiB. Today's blip is a 2 GiB stick of RAM that is now spare.

My computers are now over 10 years old and reaching the end of their useful lives. The various bits in them have also stopped being made, so if I want to upgrade them at any point in the future, prices for new parts are now going to go up in cost and will get harder to find. So it was now or never.

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