
By HighPike

High Pike on High Pike!

I managed to get myself to the top of High Pike on a decent day and to get the delayed shot to work. The foreground has the top of the Trig Point at the summit (2157 feet, 658 metres). The background has Blencathra to the left and the Skiddaw range to the right. The handsome chap is me.

I'd decided to do a circuit of the peaks that surround Dash Beck. High Pike is the first, then Knott, Great Sca Fell (no relation to those in the central lakes), Little Sca Fell, Brae Fell then down to the start at the hamlet of Fellside. The books say it is 9.25 miles with 2050 feet of ascent. It felt like all of that. It's a long time since I ran, jogged,walked as far.

My camera managed to make a bid for freedom from my bum bag between the last two peaks. I was pretty knackered by then but had to retrace my steps to find it. Fortunately a couple I'd overtaken had found it so I only had to do about another half mile. My offer of a big sloppy kiss was refused. Can't understand why.

It is surprising meeting people up there. I saw 6 in total on a lovely breezy cool day with great views. Don't tell anyone!

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