Horse therapy
Plenty of tears and hugs when Renata, Krista and Zane picked me up at the ferry yesterday. Plenty more when we got home to Kalyn and Spencer. The love and support from family and friends has been incredible. We appreciate every message, phone call, gifts of flowers and food. Sure helping us get through this incredibly sad time.
I mentioned to Krista that I’d love to have some time with horses. A bit later her friend who rides at a barn called and asked Krista if she’d like to go with her in the afternoon. Yes! I’ve spent many happy hours in the barn where Krista worked and also watching her take lessons and show jumping when she was younger. What a treat it was to be around horses again! Her friend also brought her dog, so lucky me, a horse and dog fix! Both Krista and I felt better after the visit. This is her with Wembley, and Cole is in the extra. Her hand is beneath Wembley’s muzzle. Thought it would work for the MM theme. Thanks to heanku for hosting MM.
Thanks again for stars, hearts and replies to my comments on the journals I’ve had a chance to look at. None today, hopefully tomorrow.
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