Life through the lens...

By ValC

The Good Old Days.

Well no one guessed which one was me on yesterday’s photo.
If you look on today’s extra you will find the answer. I was the little girl on the left, holding up the flower garland.

I found the photo I was looking for yesterday.
Who can remember The Good Old Days on BBC1 filmed at Leeds City Varieties?
Back in mid 1960s the sports and social club where MrC worked organised a trip to The Good Old Days.
We all had to dress up in appropriate costumes, hired from a theatrical costume company called Homburgs in Leeds.
It was great fun, and we were on the ‘ telly’!
Top of the bill was Billy Dainty.
Now I wonder if you can guess which one is me this time!

Another dull, cold, dismal day. However did enjoy Sit and Keep Fit this morning. That certainly warmed us up.

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