
By Incredibish

Black as night, worm hunter.

The house smells of vinegar! Mastic Man has been, to seal the bathroom and the skirting board bases in the extension. True, I could have done it myself, and it would have looked... ok. But he got through five tubes of white and clear mastic in less than an hour and made a brilliant job of it in both rooms. And the acetic acid smell makes me feel like fish and chips...

Mr Blackbird was out in our dreadful back garden again, poking holes in the soil and lifting out worm after worm. He's another chappie happy in his work. As are the cartographers at Google, which corporation having decided they can after all enable AI controlled weaponry have decided to go with the fascist in the Whitehouse and rename the Gulf of Mexico. 

Don't be evil seems so last century, doesn't it.

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