We had a pair of swans take residence on the channel of water next to the garage. Swans are gorgeous birds and can be aggressive.when defending their nests or when you get too close to them (last year I got hissed at by one that decided to stand in the middle of the road I was biking down). They are monogamous and will often mate for life, which is why they're often seen in pairs. There's a lot of swans in this particular area.
Little Man and I have a relatively normal day. We had the nursery run, which was a huge success, as Little Man loves being able to sit on the back of my bike. He had a lovely morning.
My friend, Timann, picked me up and we went to Woerden together. I didn't really need anything but it was still nice to get out. I got Little Man some more socks as some of his socks are getting a bit worn out. I also got him a new banana storage container. His old one was broken and wouldn't stay shut. He was very happy with it.
We spent the afternoon at home. A friend from church came round to sort the diesel heater as the one he'd installed last week kept turning itself off due to an error. So thankfully that's working as I'm running low on wood and despite having asked some friends to organise something, I don't know when we're getting more. My landlord has wood but it needs cutting. I hope it's soon because I don't want to be forced to buy wood, due to the price.
Little Man went to bed early tonight as he's tired and I'll be going up soon myself.
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