Foxy's Folio


Gane’s, “The Modern Grocery Store”

On Friday, Tess’s Keep Fat teacher recommended a herbal remedy for the sciatica I’ve been experiencing recently, so this morning we caught the bus over to Glastonbury which, as those of you who have been there will know, is the go to place for herbal remedies.

The staff in the big eco friendly health food supermarket were very helpful and knowledgeable and I came out with the required ingredients and a packet of Japanese green tea made with smoked rice, which had taken my fancy.

Glastonbury is also the place for street art and I really liked this one on the shutters of a long defunct shop which back in its 1930s heyday advertised itself as The Modern Grocery Store. Time has since caught up with it, as you can see.

We walked back to Street so that we could call in at Aldi for some gin( and a bottle each of their Wines of the Week- it seemed rude not to at half price!)

My turn for Keep Fat tonight, but no herbal cure recommendations.

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