I popped into Real Foods today, on the way back from work, to pick some bits that Mr A needed. I had the choice of three forms of chestnuts....What more can you want?
In other news, the shit rather hit the fan at work (which was pretty distracting), but I spent a pleasant hour or so with AL in The Broughton (hence being on Broughton Street), and discovered that Jennie Lee had an LLB degree from UoE. I did not know that! It'll soon be the centenary. We might try and mark that. And I brought Mr A a different type of highly hipstery hot chocolate for him to try (also from Real Foods). I await reports of whether it's good or not. And I was a bit perplexed when I came out of The Broughton and found my bike on the floor when it was supposed to be attached to a lamppost. It seemed that the lock had come apart. So it was unlocked....but luckily no one had nicked it (not much use without the battery in it....). Dunno. I guess that was my fault and I didn't lock it up properly. The lock still seems to work properly. Anyway, strange.
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