
By Majoayee


Long journey 3 hours sitting on a train! Not interesting! But once we arrived we met our son P and walked to the hotel.  So many old buildings! Beautiful old buildings. We walked all over the area of the hotel and the college our granddaughter is at.  Little alleyways shopping areas etc.  

Back to the hotel to get changed. We were going to dinner at her college! It wasn’t a highly formal occasion but most men wore suits and the student girls evening dresses.  There was no one at the high table and of the three long tables only one was used.  The meal was very good.  The table lit by candles! Beautiful!  

After the meal back to the hotel to change into something warmer, although it’s not as cold here as in Bolton. There isn’t that bone chilling wind! 

Back to her college for a drink in the student bar and then we left father and daughter to visit the Bear inn.  While the oldies retired to a lovely big bed!! 

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