
By BikerBabe

Buy cheap... twice bodge once.

Riding to work at the weekend it became apparent that Biscuit's top box was moving around a little more than expected. Best Gal had mentioned on one of our adventures how it would gently rock with the engine when stationary but this was definitely more!

It mounts to a plastic baseplate with a sort of hook & thumbscrew affair so it can be removed easily removed. A closer look revealed a long crack in the baseplate which would no doubt become a big problem if full of luggage.

So todays 10 minute job was to remove it, drill through the box & baseplate and bolt it firmly to the metal luggage rack of the bike. Being so useful,the box has only removed it once for a ride & wondered why so although now no longer easily removable and it'll be 'a really good idea' not to drop her so carelessly again, I can at least be confident of not losing it it motion.

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