The Radish Stone
On one of many regular and wonderful circuits of the Lulworth rollercoaster routes, I noticed a painted little pebble perched on top of a gate post, and what an enlightenment it was! The chance to meet (posthumously) a dear little dog called Radish.
Back at home, and flicking through the photos of Radish's life roaming over the Purbecks, struck a chord with my heart, and my own little Ruby, who is only two weeks older than the Radish, whom has shared the same paths, trails and smells, for many years over those rolling hills and beautiful vistas.
Reading Radish's final post on 2nd July 2024 of 'Heading Home' certianly put a tear in my eye.
It compounds the realisation that all life is precious, moreso to our loved ones of both two legs and four legs. So thank you @TKM for sharing the life of dear Radish through this medium, and such a beautifully painted pebble, for which his memorial will ever live on. Walkies walkies!
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