Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

Moving Experience

 More working out of an idea...

A Quiet Stroll
The low winter sun was casting contrasting shadows on the pavement as Charlie aimlessly meandered through the town centre. He wasn't going anywhere in particular. He had been struggling with a writing problem for a few days and decided a walk might help. The street was busy, alive with the hustle and bustle of Christmas approaching. Couples linking arms, mothers struggling with small children, the occasional musician filling the air with pretty awful music. None of this registered. His mind was elsewhere. It had been one of those days. The kind of day when there was nothing particularly urgent - except the story - but everything seemed a bit off, slightly out of sync. As usual when trying to work out a problem he was letting his mind freewheel. He had no plans for the rest of the day. Maybe he would seek out a book. Maybe grab a coffee. There was no decision. Then again Charlie loved this sort of spontaneity.

There was the smell of fresh bread from a bakery carried on the breeze, accompanied by the smell of coffee coming from a coffee shop. Smells that Charlie barely noticed - he was in a world of his own. Nothing broke through. He had always had the ability to completely switch off. Friends would often joke that he could walk right past them in the street without even seeing them. Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. He jumped, his heart thumping in his chest. He turns ready to berate whoever had given him such a shock - only to get another.
'Charlie' an amused voice said 'I've been calling you, but you've been ignoring me.'
Still in the process of catching his breath he started at the figure standing there. His stomach turned over. His mind struggled to seek an explanation. Kim? Kim had been his best friend at school. Kim, the wild one. Kim, the unpredictable one. Kim, who had been dead for years.Charlie felt the blood drain from his face
'But - but you're dead!'
Not a greeting. Not a 'hello'. Just complete and utter disbelief. Kim only chuckled in that old way of his
'Well, I wasn't when I shaved this morning.'

Authors Note
For those who are really interested (shameless self promotion) you can find more here.

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