I had organised with J to meet her outside Volunteer Edinburgh this morning. I gingerly entered and asked to speak to someone about how their organisation works etc. We spoke to a lovely woman who was understanding of my situation and we looked at their website. This is all happening, my heart was racing, I finding it hard to breathe and the tears started. I was just so overwhelmed. Then someone I know that works there ( but upstairs in the finance dpt) came down. I was apprehensive about this happening as it could be awkward. I didn't look and carried on making a fool of myself. In short, I have been referred to their health and wellbeing team to get more support in looking for opportunities.
We left and I was gasping for breath. We walked a bit then sat for a hot drink and chat. I was exhausted.
Back home I don't know what I have done this afternoon, it has past, and I think I have been in a bubble.
I did open my new tea and it is yummy.
Then as my extra shows, my day hasn't got any better :(
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