This is one of two book give to me as birthday presents from my eldest grandson. I haven’t read this Author before , though I have read Norwegian literature , but it seems as if it will be a good read. J & I like the same genre , I’m looking forward to this book.
Today I thought I’d use my scooter to go to Waitrose , about a mile up the road,. I had done an online order of heavier things for delivery tomorrow but a couple of things I needed weren’t on line . It was a struggle to get the scooter out but having done it away I went. Now if you hit a kerb/ bump at the wrong angle the battery jumps out ,ie no electric connection, easily rectified but it’s just a nuisance & takes the journey longer . However , on the return journey all was well & no problems .
I’ve had several phone calls since I got home from my niece & daughter K being 2 of them . Now I’m just going to watch some rubbish TV. So that’s my entertainment for tonight , then it’ll be night night time!
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