Day 215: A Day I Got Through

It's been a long week, and today's been a long day. With the store running short staffed with people on holiday/leaving, i've been working pretty hard.

Still much happier than I was this time a year ago, dealing with the morons in the cafe.

After work I returned home for an evening with McCombers and two portions of her now famous chilli!

After Chilli we watched Batman Begins, our first step in a full rewatch of The Dark Knight Trilogy. I think I'm gonna try and get her to watch the Michael Keaton Batmans. Only the Keaton ones tho, the other two were shite.

It was as I was going to bed I realized I hadn't taken a blip today.

I looked around my room and the minion pictured above seemed like the best option.
I got this minion as a gift for McCombers. Well I got it out a happy meal, but I bought the happy meal especially to get the minion. Well I actually bought three happy meals. But she seemed happy with the gift.

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