Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Happy place

Headed out west to drop chainsaw for a service, turns out dies not open on a Wednesday so headed to out apiary.

Was going to plant trees but all trees still by house so moved them all and pulling up as roots through the pots.

The laird spotted me and gave me a lesson on the quad , so loaded up trailer and took a vatcj of trees to planting area. Laird walked up and I filled the trailer with firewood for return trip and dropped off. When at planting area found trees downed in the storm blocking quad track so went abd fixed my chainsaw.

Next batch of trees taken up with chainsaw and the track cleared and logs stripped of branches so can go through saw mill if needed.

More firewood taken down.

Soup and chat with the family.

Last trip of trees and return with firewood.

Headed home and out for dinner and chat with a pal. Great catch up, walked home.

Will take dogs out for a dark walk.

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