A day in the life

By Shelling

Unexpected concert

After my walk today, my friend Ove, the cellist, called to ask if I wanted to join him at a concert at the castle in Kalmar. I had actually thought about it earlier in the week but assumed the concert would be sold out because one of Swedens best known concert pianists, Roland Pöntinen, was playing. Ove said he could get two tickets if I was ready to leave in fifteen minutes. I was and we went.

It was a brilliant concert, a piano quartet with violin, altoviolin and cello, which I like to listen to. Only piano for a whole concert can be overwhelming but their program was extremely varied, with classical music by Franz Shubert, film-music by Danny Elfman and impressionist music bu Gabriel Fauré, excellently performed by these professional players and the room was absolutely full.  

I'm so glad he called, there was nothing else planned for the evening and the rest of the day has been almost entirely indoors due to dull, cold weather with a biting northern wind. I felt warm from within after the concert.

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