
By BoydMcAdam


After a morning meeting at church, I headed upstairs to collect some equipment for tomorrow evening’s meeting. It gave me a good opportunity to look more closely at one of the many upper stained glass windows. This one is entitled Fortitude.

Little did I know how much I needed that later today. First one of my teeth broke and the filling fell out. I am cracking up. This is not one that has been treated recently.

Then I got a message that a parcel I was expecting had been delivered 2 minutes earlier. No doorbell and the photo bore no resemblance to our front door. Nor indeed to any front paths in our street. Of course the telephone call option had closed 45 minutes before the delivery. However, the web chat was open until 7pm. I registered my concern and waited. Over an hour later with no response I switched off.

The items were for the garden and are frost sensitive so wherever they are they face a cold night and may be damaged. Thanks Yodel ( who I have generally found to be reliable).

Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow! ….. Grinding my teeth - which will not help matters!

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