Three-way Transport
At this point one can see the evidence of at least three ways of transport across the the years:
Canal: The Basingstoke Canal was first proposed in 1776, approved in 1778 and finally opened in 1794 (at a cost of £154,463 – almost twice the estimated cost - who says overspending on projects is our 21st century problem). It fell into disrepair from the 1960s, but has since been restored and formally re-opened in 1991.
Railway: The remains of a bridge over the canal can still be seen. It originally supported a branch off the SWR mainline near Brookwood Station into the new National Rifle Association ranges at Bisley built in 1890, affectionately known as the "Bisley Bullet" (which could reach the magnificent speed of 10mph!) The last train ran in 1952. Today the peace is frequently disturbed by the modern trains speeding across the embankment.
Shanks Pony (i.e. using one's legs or walking): The old tow path is now a popular walking and cycling route. If you really wanted you could walk around 32 miles between Woking and Greywell Tunnel (near Basingstoke) - a bit far for me!!
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