Just . . .
. . . a few daffodils in a jug in the kitchen, makes all the difference.
A few thoughts from yesterday
I know not everyone is as interested in book prizes as I am, but the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction is a bit different and it is important. Although women write virtually as many non-fiction books as men, their books are reviewed less and are given less publicity - the non-fiction displays in bookshops are usually dominated by those written by men. There are reasons for this situation and it needs challenging. One way to do this is to show that women write good, important non-fiction and this is the reason for this prize, which started last year. The Longlist last year was full of amazing books and I’m sure it will be the same this year.
There is a huge range of books amongst those in the Longlist. I have read none of them (yet) and had only heard of two of them. However, I am willing to give any of them a go. Last year I read a few that I wouldn’t have otherwise gone near . . . and I really enjoyed them. If you want to know more about any of the books look here https://womensprize.com
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