
By IainatCreel

Skimming the Surface

I walked up to the Kirk café this morning accompanied by the Current Mrs Creel, not on her accordion.  For today she was not attending her usual Thursday morning piano lesson.  Literary guidance indicates you should never start with a brace of instruments.  Being on a hat-trick, what option is there ?  Zither.  I feel better now it’s out.  The usual cast of characters was present; there was an altercation between Stanley and Craigie (4 and 3).  It was good to see Eleanor serving as she’d been off the beat for a while.  There was nearly mayhem when I sat at a different table.  I had to sub Geordie as he hadn’t noticed the price of the Orcadian had increased, overnight. When CMC departed for her shift at the Cat Shop in Stromness, I did further research for next week’s Craigellachie adventure.  Then sawed logs and cut kindlers.  Bernard informs me that he heard from Desmond and Blanche (yes – it’s back on) that Scullion has made the mistake of his career in accidentally leaving the baboon’s cage open.  Apparently, he’s busy trying to invoke the spirit of Desmond Morris. 
Norman Blake is 86.
Desmond Morris is 96.

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