madwill's world

By madwill

Funky Power Station

We have come to Telford again today and spent several hours at Mrs madwill’s brother’s house sorting more stuff and cleaning through. Mrs madwill’s sister is going on Monday to collect a few bits and meet some house clearance companies. Hopefully they will take the furniture and appliances before we hand keys back to the landlord.

We have got a couple of bits to go with his caravan which we will deal with in the morning and then we will return to the house for a final time to refill the bins, which are due to be emptied tomorrow.

Grabbed this shot of Blackburn Meadows biomass power station as we drove past on the M1 over Tinsley viaduct (Sheffield). This facility replaced a coal fired power station.

Staying at a Marston’s Inn tonight..I can already hear a pint of Pedigree calling my name.

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