Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Soup - and a sandwich

When I discovered that the excellent Pedros and his lovely wife, Janet, (see Extra) were having a well-deserved break in Liverpool, I was determined to meet up with them if at all possible. It seems we’ve been following each other’s journals for 13 or 14 years - can it be true?! - so it was surely about time for a Blip Meet!

And so it came to pass that I sprinted over from my office to Lovelock’s in my lunch break today to enjoy a cuppa and a chat with them (and a veggie sausage sandwich for me!). What a pleasure it was to shoot the breeze with them and I only wish I could have stayed longer.

Huge thanks to them for the conversation, the photo session and the tea! I hope to see them again before another decade or more passes...

Meanwhile… here’s some Kraftwerk for Pedros

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