If you've been following my blip photo account for a while now, you'll know that it's one of two journals I keep. My photo journal and my physical journal. For a while now, I've avoided using the word "diary" for my notebooks because it feels a bit childish. It just doesn't sit right with my keeping a record of my life. It's my safe space to vent my emotions before I talk to anyone about it, so, if and when I do share, the edge has been knocked off of how I feel.
Today has been pretty normal. Little Man went to nursery, but got sent home early due to pain in one of his legs as well as being pretty tired. We bumped into Angela, our friend from my old life group. She'd taken her two kids for a walk and we went with them before going home.
The afternoon was spent at home, relaxing. We've run out of wood for the stove, but I have a delivery coming on Saturday, organised by my dad and a friend from church. We have a diesel heater which has been running, on low, all day, so we haven't in a cold house. It was fixed just in time.
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