If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

The Golf Ball.

This is some sort of beacon to help aviation by giving planes information.  I remember the enquiry before it was built as there was a lot of local opposition to having a giant Golf Ball on top of the pennines.  One thing that was claimed was that it would only be visible about 12 times a year and covered by cloud the rest of the time.  Wrong!  I have never bothered to record how often it is visible but it is far far more than 12.  It can be seen from the top of the hill near home which must be at least 20 miles as the crow flies.

The blip was taken at the Lodge.  Yes we were there again today.  The main reason was to take delivery of a new table (now we have to find a good home for the other table).  While waiting for the delivery we started to restore the Lodge to normality.  There are still a couple of small jobs to finish, but it is basiucally finished.

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