Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Atmospheric River

Cordilleras Creek was whooshing with the runoff from the big rains.  Very stormy all day with gusting winds and heavy rain, then suddenly stopping, then starting again. Rise and repeat.  I made a dash for it after lunch, got caught in a deluge on the way back.  Magnolias are out and getting battered.  Citrus holding on.  Started draining the pool down, I'd hoped I wouldn't have to but it was brimming when I checked.  The new roof is doing its job which is all I care about!

Snow and ice up in Portland, hope that's gone, or at least navigable, by the time we fly up on Saturday.

Just started reading Ann Tyler's new novel, Three Days In June.  Feels like a gentle novel so far, fits my mood for something soothing and light.  I've not read one of her books in a long time.

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