Work through
Whilst I very much enjoyed the wines with Samm last night, they didn’t lend themselves to a good night’s sleep nor a clear head this morning.
I also woke feeling very depressed, which is the main reason why I tend to stay away from alcohol these days - it just doesn’t make me feel very good. It’s a shame as I love a nice glass of red! Maybe it will come back.
It was quite a tough morning as a result, but I worked through it and at lunchtime headed out for a couple of bits and my usual from Kakaw and I was starting to feel a bit better.
The afternoon passed quickly, and then I headed up to the parents for a brief catch up, before heading to 5-a-side to run around like a loony for 40 minutes!
Nice to close out the day in bed with a brew and a biccie and the final few episodes of Cobra Kai. Utterly preposterous TV, but such good fun!
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