Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Old Rag Mountain

Will and I rose at dawn this morning to climb Old Rag mountain. An oldie but goodie, a classic hike in this part of the mountains and right near their house. I hiked this mountain what seems to me like an eternity ago in the early years of college with an ex girlfriend. It seemed more imposing then...

Now, just a leisurely stroll up a hill....and we had it all to ourselves! Meeting no one save the critter folk of the forest. A trio of piliated woodpeckers, a young copperhead, rose breasted grosbeaks, turkey vultures soaring over the valley below and a dung beetle party making short work of horse manure on the trail descent. A fine view over the blue haze of the ridges and valleys below. Sitting at the top chewing on an apple core and meditating on such a fine day.

Driving back down the rural route and making it back in time to meet my parents, and drive into Richmond meeting my brother and Aunt for dinner. Staying strong in the moment and no regrets wrapping up this visit and getting ready for the next journey.

This shot shows the typical view of the landscape below, forested ridges and a patchwork of fields and farms in the valley. The humidity building with the suns ascent condensing into the namesake haze of the Blue Ridge...

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