
By chrisbevan

Chew, Brisk S.E. Breeze

Docking is similar to landing an airplane; you must encounter a fixed object but do so softly without inflicting damage. At the same time, environmental conditions such as current, wind and waves can make your approach more complicated.

Depending on the situation, docking procedures vary. Fenders, mooring lines, a boat hook and a heaving line should be ready. The approach to the dock should be planned. If possible, the boat should be headed into the current and/or wind to slow down and to more easily control it. A common method when docking in current is to slip the boat sideways bit by bit toward the dock, pier or slip. When docking correctly, the boat feels like it is moving in slow motion. After docking, a line should be secured from the dock to the bow of the boat. The current will hold the boat against the dock while the remaining lines are tied off.

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