
By biddy

A day for hugs……….

………..for everyone.
Those who find the day difficult,
And those for whom the day is special,
Those who are lonely,
And those who care for a loved one who is ill,

On a day defined by over the top commercialism I hope we can stand back from it and find that real true love puts others first, and as it says in words I read at a dear friend’s wedding three years ago, from the Bible,

“Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, not selfishly seeking its own honour.
Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offence.
Love joyfully celebrates honesty and takes no delight in what is wrong,
Love is a safe place of shelter for it never stops believing what is best for others.
Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up.

Love never stops loving.”

What the world needs now is love, as never before.

Photo taken at Mitchell’s Arts and Crafts complex halfway round our usual afternoon walk.

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