Farewell Friday!
I've had a secret under my hat for a while now, knowing I'd secured a job at a new primary school which is certainly a brand new challenge.
Today was my final day at the school I've been at for a decade. The gifts and cards I've received have been extremely over generous and far too kind for my self critical, self doubting mind to quite comprehend. However, the words of the children, and parents of children, I've taught during that time are the things that mean the most to me.
If I can make a child feel safe, able to smile and teach them something along the way then I've done just what I set out to achieve.
My new school is set in the middle of a large, deprived council estate resulting in an intake of children with huge needs socially, emotionally and academically. It's a place I want to be. A place where I know it'll be tough but I can potentially make a difference.
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