
By Kipsie

Amazing tulips

I don't ever recall having, or seeing tulips with such straight stems, even now as they are fading the stems are still upright. I'm loving their funkiness.
I nipped out to Trago Mills for opening at 9am to buy dog biscuits, & embroidery bits for my next project. All done & back to Mum's by 9.30.
A miserable wet morning, Indie & I walked the perimeter of the heath taking shelter under the tree canopy. We got home a little soggy around the edges but managed to miss the downpour. Plenty of avian action, mass arrival of Longtail tits. Mum & I both started a new mindful colouring picture... I'd love to know how Mum's mind is working.. She explained why she had left some areas without colour but it did'nt make a lot of sense. She was humming away to Ed Sheran playing on the radio.. Made me chuckle. Her reading glasses have disappeared, I looked high & low but no luck. Gave Mum lunch then headed home.

Thank to Anni for hosting

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