All hearts day
After my walk, where I really tried to make anything look like a heart and finally had to settle with this oblong, not even heartshaped foto, I was invited for a sauna and dinner with the old group of friends in the next village. The heart doesn't have to be visible, it can manifest itself in actions, and I was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of the invitation.
We are a group of normally six people, sometimes more, sometimes less, who meet up every now and then for a sauna, a film, a dinner or a coffee but tonight two of us in the group were in Gothenburg to visit their grandchildren and therefore couldn't attend this evening. The interesting phenomena is how the topics of discussion shifts depending on who is not there, not because we would talk about the ones not present but because the conversation in a new group will take new paths and reach new conclusions, or raise new questions than would otherwise be the case, if we'd been the "normal" group all the time. The new group leads into to new conclusions and new paths of thought might occur.
Thats another reason for not striving for groups where everyone tends to be/is/has to be loyal to the norm or opinion in the group.
I'm of course referring to Mr.T who right now is shaping groups of people loyal to himself, which can never be healthy if you want a discussion leading to new ideas and real change.
Enough of that. I hope you had a most wonderful All hearts day, Valentines day and that your weekend will be full of hope of a good future.
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